Friday, April 13, 2007

Easter in Hilliard

On Saturday, we had a family day at Hilliard for the choir and orchestra from our church. There were tons of things to do for the kids and Taylor was completely exhausted by the end of the was me and my big buddah-belly!! Taylor's first Easter egg hunt and she had to wear a jacket...what was up with the weather in Florida for Easter this year? It was so cold I couldn't wait for her to find all the eggs so I could go warm up inside! However, she did find the golden egg and she won a really great prize which her daddy and I kept and gave to her the next morning for Easter :)

Aunt Amy aksed Taylor if she wanted to ride the ponies and she was very exicted!

Then they got to the ponies and Taylor just stared at them like "there's no way I'm getting on that horse!"

The the ultimate test came when Aunt Amy tried to put her on the pony...needless to say Taylor just watched from a distance.

But Taylor tackled her fears on the big blow-up slide! This is where I ended up spending the rest of my day, in front of the slide. There was a really big double slide as well that she went down. She would go head first, backwards, upside down, whatever...but if I would stop and ask her if she wanted to ride the ponies she would abruptly say "no!" How doing flips down a slide is safer than being on a pony that is attached to a walking wheel with trainers is beyond me! But everytime she got to the bottom of the slide she would say "again?" By the end of the day my family were about the only ones left at the park and Taylor, Aunt Amy, Mark, Grandpa, Katherine Carr and AJ Tyre (Uncle Too-Tall and Kat-Kat as Taylor calls them) were doing flips down this slide and acting like a bunch of teenagers while me and my mom just said there laughing at their stupidity!

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