Friday, April 18, 2008

Kids Talk

I was watching Taylor in the rearview mirror and saw her pick her nose and eat her boogers:
Me: Tay-Tay don't do that, that is so nasty!
Tay: No, mom, it's really warm!!

Mark is making a rifle (don't ask) so he brought a part of it in to the bedroom:
Tay: Is that a gun?
Mark: Yes, you never touch a gun. Always ask mommy and daddy first (can you tell we live in the south?)
Tay: ok. I want a gun. I want a pink one to match my teddy bear!

Mark: Morgan say "Daddy"
Morgan:(he looks intent then tilts his head sideways)...Cow



Lauren H. said...

this is hilarious!! :)

Ashlee Davis said...

too funny!

Ashlee Davis said...

not my original story but a mom said one day her kids were making pretend cookies together and playing well until one burst out screaming "no" "no don't eat that" then busted out in a full blown tamtrum. When the mom got the girl calmed down the little girl said her sibling had ate the last cookie.

Tami Muhlbauer said...

you have to love little kids!!