Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hugs for God

The other night Taylor and I were reading a bedtime story. In the story the little girl was thanking God for her wonderful mommy(you like the stories I pick out to read?...subliminal messages...)so when the story is over I asked Taylor if God had given her a great mommy and she said really excitedly YES!! I leaned down and just hugged her like crazy. Then she put her arms out in front of her and was acting like she was hugging someone. I asked her what she was doing and she said that she was hugging God. She said "I can't see him though" So I asked her where He was and she said "In my heart." And then she wrapped her arms around herself and said "I'm hugging my heart" Then she looked at me so seriously and said "One day when the doctors have to open me up they will be able to take out my heart and we will be able to see Jesus! Oh I can't wait to hold Him!"

Oh if we could all love Jesus like a child....

1 comment:

Angel Johns said...

That is the sweetest thing I have ever read. The love of a child is so amazing.