Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Night time stories

Last night, or early this morning, whenever...I hear Morgan crying. It's about 1:30am so I let him cry for about 10 minutes. He doesn't stop so I know he must have thrown all of his pacifiers out of the crib. So, I open his door and go get the reserve pacifiers out of his drawer. He's laying on his side and knows exactly what I'm doing. He holds his hands out, while he's still whimpering, and when I place 2 more pacifiers in his hand he starts repeating "tank-you, tank-you, tank-you, tank-you" As I slip out of his room and go down the hallway I can still hear his sweet voice reapting those words...

So, when I was putting Taylor to bed, she gets really silly. So, she always ends with me wanting to give her BIG hugs and BIG kisses. So on our 4th round of this I look at her, our noses are touching and I say "Taylor it's time to go sleep, Momma doesn't want to hear another peep out of you" Taylor smiles and says "Peep"

1 comment:

LucieP said...

gotta love it!