Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just for fun...

My cousin Allison tagged me to post 7 things about myself that you may or may not know about me. So here's my list:

1. I brush my teeth in the shower. It's just easier for me to do it this way...

2. I drink about 3 pots of coffee a day (which means that sometimes when I go tinkle it smells like coffee - isn't that great to know!!)

3. I do not like odd numbers. I'm very OCD about this. I like everything even and in order. I will specifically do things or buy things in even amounts.

4. I am a lifetime member of the NRA

5. I'm obsessed with having my check book balanced. I balance it every morning to the penny. (I even balance my sisters check-book occassionaly because I get so annoyed with her for not knowing how much or how little she has...)

6. I clean my refrigerator - like deep clean it - the night before I go to the grocery store. I heard my husband tell my mom that we probably have the cleanest frig in town :)

7. I am almost 3 years older than my husband, which he likes to remind me of that occassionaly.

OK...don't laugh at me as you all have weird things in your lives too. I'm tagging
Amy Ferguson, Jamie Patrick, Karen Hinson and Melody Taylor


Allison said...

Okay, you're not that weird I guess...Shane also brushes his teeth in the shower, and I clean the fridge before I grocery shop! Which, if you read my list, isn't very often since I hate the grocery store, ha ha. But 3 pots of coffee????? Seriously?? Wow. I learned something new about you. ;)

KH said...

The NRA, really!?!?

My dad will be proud when I tell him:)

Okay wasn't sure if I could come up with 7 things, but suprisingly it was pretty easy.

lets get the kiddies together soon.

Allison said...

I clean the fridge out every week before I go to the gocery store too!! That is most certainly not wierd or OCD... it is sanitary.

As for your 3 pot-a-day habit, I am seriously worried about your "pipes"! :)

Melissa said...

Hey Tami - This was a great list! So funny! Do you know the dates of the princess & pirate party at Disney for 2009?